The body of the issuer who took the decision | очередное общее собрание акционеров |
Дата утверждения отчета | 15.07.2024 |
Full | Omad Sug'urta Aksiyadorlik Jamiyati | ||
Short: | Omad sug'urta AJ | ||
Name of stock exchange ticker: | No | ||
Location: | 100090, Тошкент ш., Мирзо Улугбек тумани, Х.Олимжон майдони, 13А уй | ||
Postal address: | 100090, Тошкент ш., Мирзо Улугбек тумани, Х.Олимжон майдони, 13А уй | ||
E-mail address: | | ||
Official Website: | | ||
Наименование обслуживающего банка: | |||
Current account: | |||
MFI: | |||
присвоенные регистрирующим органом: | |||
присвоенные органом государственной налоговой службы (ИНН): | 306514613 | ||
присвоенные органами государственной статистики | |||
КФС: | |||
ОКПО: | |||
ОКОНХ: | |||
5 | Показатели финансово-экономического состояния эмитента | |
Profitability of the authorized capital, coefficient | 0,0095 | |
Coverage of total solvency, coefficient | 0,0299 | |
Ratio of absolute liquidity, coefficient | 0,904 | |
Ratio of own and attracted funds, coefficient | 1,235 | |
The ratio of the issuer's own and borrowed funds: | 1,235 |
6 | Объем начисленных доходов по ценным бумагам в отчетном году | |
On ordinary stocks (in soums per stock) | 0 | |
On ordinary stocks (in percentage to the face value of one stock) | 0 | |
On priviliged shares (in soums per stock:) | 0 | |
On priviliged shares (in percentage to the face value of one stock) | 0 | |
On other securities (in soums per share) | 0 | |
On other securities (in percentage to the face value of one share) | 0 |
7 | Имеющаяся задолженность по выплате доходов по ценным бумагам | |
On ordinary stocks (according to the results of the reporting period (in soums)) | 0 | |
On ordinary stocks (according to the results of previous periods (in soums)) | 0 | |
On priviliged shares (according to the results of the reporting period (in soums)) | 0 | |
On priviliged shares (according to the results of previous periods (in soums)) | 0 | |
On other securities (according to the results of the reporting period (in soums)) | 0 | |
On other securities (according to the results of the reporting period (in soums)) | 0 |
9 | Основные сведения о дополнительно выпущенных ценных бумагах (заполняется, если в отчетном периоде осуществлялся выпуск ценных бумаг) | |
Орган, принявший решение о выпуске | Наблюдательный совет | |
Дата и номер государственной регистрации | 27.01.2023, Р0954-3 | |
Количество ценных бумаг (шт.) и объем выпуска (сум) | 5 000 000, 5 000 000 000 сум | |
Способ размещения ценных бумаг | закрытая подписка | |
Сроки размещения | один год | |
Дата начала | 27.01.2023 | |
Дата окончания | 27.01.2024 |
10 | Information on the important facts for the year | |||
Наименование существенного факта | № существенного факта | Дата наступления существенного факта | Дата публикации существенного факта | |
Выпуск ценных бумаг | 25 | 27.01.2023 | 24.03.2023 |
11 | Balance sheet | |||
Наименование показателя | Код стр. | На начало отчетного периода | На конец отчетного периода | |
Assets | ||||
I. Long-term Assets | ||||
Non-Current Assets: | 000 | |||
Initial (replacement) value (0100,0300) | 010 | 5839430.10 | 4978319.60 | |
Depreciation (0200) | 011 | 1385280.50 | 2061720.00 | |
Residual (book) value (lines 010-011) | 012 | 4454149.60 | 2916599.60 | |
Intangible assets: | 000 | |||
Initial value (0400) | 020 | |||
Depreciation amount (0500) | 021 | |||
Residual value (carrying amount) (lines 020-021) | 022 | |||
Long-term investments, Total (lines: 040+050+060+070+080), including: | 030 | 7322863.20 | 20000000.00 | |
Securities (0610) | 040 | 20000000.00 | ||
Investments in subsidiary companies (0620) | 050 | |||
Investment in associates (0630) | 060 | |||
Investments in enterprises with foreign capital (0640) | 070 | |||
Other long-term investments (0690) | 080 | |||
Equipment for installation (0700) | 090 | |||
Capital investments (0800) | 100 | |||
Long-term receivables (0910, 0920, 0930, 0940) | 110 | |||
Long-term deferred expenses (0950, 0960, 0990) | 120 | |||
Total on section I (lines 012+022+030+090+100+110+120) | 130 | 11777012.80 | 22916599.60 | |
II. Current assets | ||||
Inventories in stock Total (lines 150+160), including: | 140 | 7703.10 | 6369.70 | |
Inventory (1000, 1500, 1600) | 150 | 7703.10 | 6369.70 | |
Work in progress (2000, 2300, 2700) | 160 | |||
Future expenses (3100) | 170 | |||
Deferred expenses (3200) | 180 | |||
Receivables, total (lines 200 + 310 + 320 + 330 + 340 + 350 + 360 + 370 + 380 + 390) | 190 | 35303727.60 | 36364676.50 | |
Out of which: Overdue | 191 | |||
Accounts payable total (lines 210 + 220 - 400) | 200 | 10139045.90 | 7586432.10 | |
Accounts receivable from buyers and customers (4010, 4020) | 210 | |||
Receivables on insurance transactions, total (lines 230 + 240 + 250 + 260 + 270 + 280 + 290 + 300) | 220 | 10139045.90 | 7586432.10 | |
Receivables due from insurance agents (4030) | 230 | 10139045.90 | 7586432.10 | |
Receivables due from insurance agents and brokers (4040) | 240 | |||
Receivables due to reinsurance agents (4050) | 250 | |||
Debts of reinsurers on commissions, bonuses and other rewards (4051) | 260 | |||
Debts of reinsurers (4060) | 270 | |||
Life insurance loans (4070) | 280 | |||
Depo for losses of the insurer at other insurers (4080) | 290 | |||
Depo for premiums of the insurer at other insurers (4090) | 300 | |||
Due from affiliates (4110) | 310 | |||
Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates (4120) | 320 | |||
Advances to employees (4200) | 330 | 1035.40 | ||
Advances to suppliers and contractors (4300) | 340 | 24855500.40 | 28024178.80 | |
Advances for budget (4400) | 350 | 9312.40 | 106146.70 | |
Advances to target funds and on insurance (4500) | 360 | 267961.10 | 459014.90 | |
Receivables due from founders to the authorized capital (4600) | 370 | |||
Receivables due from staff on other operations (4700) | 380 | 31907.80 | 28750.00 | |
Other receivables (4800) | 390 | 159118.60 | ||
Reserves for distressed debts (4900) | 400 | |||
Cash, total (lines 420 + 430 + 440 + 450), including: | 410 | 19773778.10 | 1123757.10 | |
Cash on hand (5000) | 420 | |||
Cash on settlement account (5100) | 430 | 19757083.50 | 1087100.00 | |
Cash in foreign currency (5200) | 440 | 25117.10 | ||
Other cash and cash equivalents (5500, 5600, 5700) | 450 | 16694.60 | 11540.00 | |
Short-term investments (5800) | 460 | 18359789.70 | 10802059.70 | |
Other current assets (5900) | 470 | 22797759.50 | ||
Total on section II (lines 140+170+180+190+410+460+470) | 480 | 73444998.50 | 71256956.80 | |
Total on assets (lines 130 + 480) | 490 | 85222011.30 | 94173556.40 | |
Liabilities | ||||
I. Sources of own funds | ||||
Authorized capital (8300) | 500 | 45000000.00 | 50000000.00 | |
Additional paid-in capital (8400) | 510 | |||
Reserve capital (8500) | 520 | 1934600.10 | 171827.60 | |
Treasury stock (8600) | 530 | |||
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (8700) | 540 | 479283.50 | 1183492.50 | |
Special-purpose receipts (8800) | 550 | |||
Provisions on liabilities and charges (8900) | 560 | |||
Total on section I (lines 500+510+520-530+540+550+560) | 570 | 47413883.60 | 51355320.10 | |
Insurance reserves, total (lines 590 + 600 + 610 + 620 + 630 + 640 + 650 + 660) | 580 | 33172120.30 | 42933517.10 | |
Unearned premium reserve (8010) | 590 | 29065968.70 | 37363769.50 | |
Reserves for occurred, but not declared damages (8020) | 600 | 3341037.30 | 4919283.60 | |
Reserves for claimed but unsettled losses (8030) | 610 | 765114.30 | 650464.00 | |
Preventive measure reserves (8040) | 620 | |||
Assets discrepancy reserve (8050) | 630 | |||
Accident reserve (8060) | 640 | |||
Reserve for losses fluctuation (8070) | 650 | |||
Reserves for life insurance (8090) | 660 | |||
Share of reinsurers in insurance reserves, total (lines 680 + 690 + 700 + 710) | 670 | 1463634.30 | 1358328.10 | |
Share of reinsurers in the unearned premium reserve (8110) | 680 | 1380920.10 | 1317932.20 | |
The share of reinsurers in the declared, but unsettled losses reserve (8120) | 690 | |||
The share of reinsurers occurred, but not declared damages reserve (8130) | 700 | 827114.20 | 40395.90 | |
Share of reinsurers in the life insurance reserves (8140) | 710 | |||
Total on section II (lines 580 - 670) | 720 | 31708486.00 | 41575189.00 | |
Long term liabilities, total (lines 740 + 750 + 850 + 860 + 870 + 880 + 890 + 900 + 910 + 920) | 730 | |||
including: long-term accounts payable (lines 740 + 760 + 770 + 780 + 790 + 800 + 820 + 830 + 850 + 870 + 890 + 920) | 731 | |||
Long-term payable (accounts) due to suppliers and contractors (7010, 7020) | 740 | |||
Long-term liabilities for insurance transactions, total (lines 760 + 770 + 780 + 790 + 800 + 810 + 820 + 830) | 750 | |||
Long-term payable (accounts) due to contractors undertaking preventive measures (7011) | 760 | |||
Long-term debt to policyholders (7030) | 770 | |||
Long-term debt to insurance agents and brokers (7040) | 780 | |||
Long-term debt to re-insurant (7050) | 790 | |||
Long-term debt to re-insurers (7060) | 800 | |||
Depo for reinsurers premium (7070) | 810 | |||
Long-term debt to reinsurers on commission fees, bonuses and other rewards (7080) | 820 | |||
Long-term debt to actuaries, associates, surveyors and assistants (7090) | 830 | |||
Long-term debt to separate divisions (7110) | 840 | |||
Long-term accounts due to subsidiaries and associates (7120) | 850 | |||
Long-term deferred income (7210, 7220, 7230) | 860 | |||
Long-term deferred tax liabilities and other mandatory payments (7240) | 870 | |||
Other long-term deferred liabilities (7250, 7290) | 880 | |||
Received advances from customers and buyers (7300) | 890 | |||
Long-term bank loans (7810) | 900 | |||
Long-term borrowings (7820, 7830, 7840) | 910 | |||
Other long-term accounts payable (7900) | 920 | |||
Current liabilities, total (lines. 940+950+1050+1060+1070+1080+1090+1100+1110+1120+1130+1140+1150+ 1160+1170+1180) | 930 | 6099641.70 | 1243047.30 | |
including: Current accounts payable (lines 940 + 960 + 970 + 980 + 990 + 1000 + 1020 + 1030+1050 + 1070 + 1090 + 1100 + 1110 + 1120 + 1130 + 1140 + 1180) | 931 | 6099641.70 | 1243047.30 | |
out of which: overdue current accounts payable | 932 | |||
Due to suppliers and contractors (6010, 6020) | 940 | 321798.80 | 53733.20 | |
Liabilities for insurance operations, total (lines 960 + 970 + 980 + 990 + 1000 + 1010 + 1020 + 1030) | 950 | 245509.60 | 195432.40 | |
Due to contractors, carrying out preventive measures (6011) | 960 | |||
Debts to insurants (6030) | 970 | 2946.40 | 86250.00 | |
Due to insurance agents and brokers (6040) | 980 | 1970.90 | ||
Due to re-insurants (6050) | 990 | |||
Due to reinsurers (6060) | 1000 | 240590.30 | 109182.40 | |
Depo for premium of reinsurers (6070) | 1010 | |||
Due to re-insurants on commissions, bonuses and other rewards (6080) | 1020 | |||
Due to actuaries, adjusters, surveyors and assistants (6090) | 1030 | |||
Due to separate divisions (6110) | 1040 | |||
Due to subsidiaries and dependent companies (6120) | 1050 | |||
Deferred income (6210, 6220, 6230) | 1060 | |||
Deferred obligations on taxes and other mandatory payments (6240) | 1070 | |||
Other deferred liabilities (6250, 6290) | 1080 | |||
Advances received (6300) | 1090 | 47444.50 | 532649.00 | |
Payable due to budget (6400) | 1100 | 214707.80 | 216262.30 | |
Payable due to insurance (6510) | 1110 | 30533.60 | 30533.60 | |
Payable due to state target funds (6520) | 1120 | |||
Payable due to founders (6600) | 1130 | 225.00 | ||
Salaries payable (6700) | 1140 | 236153.90 | 214436.80 | |
Short-term bank loans (6810) | 1150 | |||
Short-term obligations (6820, 6830, 6840) | 1160 | |||
Current portion of long-term liabilities (6950) | 1170 | |||
Other accounts payable (6900 except 6950) | 1180 | 5003268.50 | ||
Total on section III (lines 730 + 930) | 1190 | 6099641.70 | 1243047.30 | |
Total on liabilities (lines 570 + 720 + 1190) | 1200 | 85222011.30 | 94173556.40 |
12 | Report on financial results | |||||
Наименование показателя | Код стр. | За соответствующий период прошлого года | За отчетный период | |||
доходы (прибыль) | расходы (убытки) | доходы (прибыль) | расходы (убытки) | |||
Income from insurance services (lines 011 - 012 + 013 + /-014+/-015 + /-016 + /-017 + /-018 + 019)including: | 010 | 15936260.90 | 19432373.80 | |||
Insurance premiums on direct insurance and co-insurance (in the portion of the insurer's share established in the co-insurance agreement) | 011 | 34566088.90 | 29524006.30 | |||
Insurance premiums under agreements transferred to reinsurance | 012 | 827141.90 | 455648.90 | |||
Insurance premiums under agreements accepted for reinsurance | 013 | 277294.80 | 230719.30 | |||
The result of the change in the unearned premium reserve, adjusted for the share of reinsurers in the unearned premium reserve | 014 | 15566763.30 | 8360788.60 | |||
The result of a change in the claimed but not settled losses reserve, adjusted for the share of reinsurers in the claimed but not settled losses reserve | 015 | 101953.10 | 114650.30 | |||
The result of the change in the occurred but not declared losses reserve, adjusted for the share of reinsurers in the occurred but not declared losses reserve | 016 | 2411264.50 | 1620564.60 | |||
The result of the change in life insurance reserves, adjusted for the share of reinsurers in life insurance reserves | 017 | |||||
The result of changes in other technical reserves, adjusted for the share of reinsurers in the relevant reserves | 018 | |||||
Other income from insurance services | 019 | |||||
Income from the intermediary services | 020 | |||||
Revenues from compensation of loss share on reinsurance | 030 | |||||
Revenues from commission, bonuses and fees on reinsurance | 040 | |||||
Income from the surveyor and adjuster services | 050 | |||||
Net revenue from the insurance services(lines 010 + 020 + 030 + 040 + 050) | 060 | 15936260.90 | 19432373.80 | |||
Cost of provided insurance services | 070 | 6239922.80 | 7225023.20 | |||
Gross profit (loss) from the insurance services(lines 060 - 070) | 080 | 9696338.10 | 12207350.60 | |||
Period expenditures, total (lines100 + 110 + 120 + 130), including: | 090 | 12159127.60 | 14368734.20 | |||
Costs to Sell | 100 | 1398340.30 | 1011533.10 | |||
Administrative expenses | 110 | 10502445.90 | 6525398.90 | |||
Other operating expenses | 120 | 258341.40 | 6831802.20 | |||
Expenses of the reporting period excluded from the tax base in the future | 130 | |||||
Other operating income | 140 | 26971.30 | 468603.90 | |||
Profit (loss) from operating activities(lines 080 - 090 + 140) | 150 | 2435818.20 | 1692779.70 | |||
Income from financial activities, total (lines170 + 180 + 190 + 200 + 210), including: | 160 | 2916604.60 | 2479011.40 | |||
Income in the form of dividends | 170 | 119479.30 | ||||
Income in the form of interest | 180 | 2916604.60 | 2359025.60 | |||
Income from long-term lease (leasing) | 190 | |||||
Income from foreign exchange rate differences | 200 | 506.50 | ||||
Other income from financial activities | 210 | |||||
Expenses related to financial activities, total (lines230 + 240 + 250 + 260), including: | 220 | |||||
Expenses in the form of interest | 230 | |||||
Expenses in the form of interest on long-term lease (leasing) | 240 | |||||
Loss from foreign exchange rate differences | 250 | |||||
Other expenses related to financial activity | 260 | |||||
Profit (loss) from general economic activities(lines150 + 160 - 220) | 270 | 480786.40 | 786231.70 | |||
Extraordinary gains and losses | 280 | |||||
Profit (loss) before income tax (lines 270 + /-280) | 290 | 480786.40 | 786231.70 | |||
Income Taxes | 300 | 104743.60 | 359329.80 | |||
Other taxes and other obligatory payments from profit | 310 | |||||
Net profit (loss) for the reporting period (lines 290 - 300 - 310) | 320 | 376042.80 | 426901.90 |
13 | Information on audit report | |||||||
Наименование аудиторской организации | Дата выдачи лицензии | Номер лицензии | Вид заключения | Дата выдачи аудиторского заключения | Номер аудиторского заключения | Ф.И.О. аудитора (аудиторов), проводившего проверку | Копия аудиторского заключения | |
ООО Neuglobalpropessional-Audit | 2019-04-01 | 750 | Аудиторское заключение с выражением положительного мнения | 2024-05-31 | 38 | Тураев Комил | Загрузить |
16 | Список аффилированных лиц (по состоянию на конец отчетного года) | |||
Ф.И.О. или полное наименование | Местонахождение (местожительство) (государство, область, город, район) | Основание, по которому они признаются аффилированными лицами | Дата (наступления основания (-ий) | |
Алимов Санжар Улугбекович | г.Ташкент, ул.Мустакиллик, 63/35 | Член НС, владелец акций общества более в размере более 20% от УФ | 2022-03-04 | |
Изамова Гульнара Ахмедовна | г.Ташкент, Бадамзар,3/23 | Член Наблюдательного совета | 2022-07-27 | |
Алимов Ойбек Улубек угли | Тошкент шахар, Олмазор тумани Қичқириқ кўчаси 6-уй | Член Наблюдательного совета | 2022-07-27 | |
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «UNITRADE CO» | г.Ташкент, ул.М.Улугбека, 428 | Владелец доли в УФ общества в размере более 20% от УФ | 2022-03-04 | |
АО «OMAD-HAYOT INSURANCE» | г.Ташкент, Мирзо-Улугбекский район, ул.Х.Олимжона, 13А | Эмитент владеет 100% доли в указанном обществе | 2022-10-20 | |
Аббасов Улугбек Рустам ўғли | Тошкент шахар, Чилонзор тумани. Лутфий кўчаси 106/25 уй | Руководитель исполнительного органа | 2022-07-27 |
Issuer is responsibe for the accuracy and completeness of information published on the portal by him
JSC | LLC | |
Total issuers | ||
Total disclosures | ||
Essential facts | ||
Prospectuses | ||
Quarterly reports | ||
Annual reports | ||
Charters |