The body of the issuer who took the decision | Общее собрание акционеров |
Дата утверждения отчета | 12.07.2016 |
Full | "Andijon tajriba-sinov zavodi" aksiyadorlik jamiyati | ||
Short: | "Andijon tajriba-sinov zavodi" AJ | ||
Name of stock exchange ticker: | ATSZ, ATSZP | ||
Location: | Андижанская область, г. Андижан, пр-т А.Навои, 87 | ||
Postal address: | Андижанская область, г. Андижан, пр-т А.Навои, 87 | ||
E-mail address: | | ||
Official Website: | | ||
Наименование обслуживающего банка: | АКБ Хамкорбанк | ||
Current account: | 20210000800184554001 | ||
MFI: | 83 | ||
присвоенные регистрирующим органом: | 168 | ||
присвоенные органом государственной налоговой службы (ИНН): | 200239313 | ||
присвоенные органами государственной статистики | |||
КФС: | 148 | ||
ОКПО: | 5802247 | ||
ОКОНХ: | 14183 | ||
СОАТО: | 1703401 |
5 | Показатели финансово-экономического состояния эмитента | |
Profitability of the authorized capital, coefficient | 1,4 | |
Coverage of total solvency, coefficient | 1,7 | |
Ratio of absolute liquidity, coefficient | 0,9 | |
Ratio of own and attracted funds, coefficient | 0,5 | |
Коэффициент обновления основных фондов | 0 | |
The ratio of the issuer's own and borrowed funds: | 2,0 |
6 | Объем начисленных доходов по ценным бумагам в отчетном году | |
On ordinary stocks (in soums per stock) | 330 | |
On ordinary stocks (in percentage to the face value of one stock) | 33,0 | |
On priviliged shares (in soums per stock:) | 330 | |
On priviliged shares (in percentage to the face value of one stock) | 33,0 |
10 | Information on the important facts for the year | |||
Наименование существенного факта | № существенного факта | Дата наступления существенного факта | Дата публикации существенного факта | |
Решения, принятые высшим органом управления эмитента | 6 | 19.06.2015 | 30.06.2015 | |
Начисление доходов по ценным бумагам | 32 | 19.06.2015 | 30.06.2015 |
11 | Balance sheet | |||
Наименование показателя | Код стр. | На начало отчетного периода | На конец отчетного периода | |
ASSETS | ||||
I. Long-term assets | ||||
Non-Current Assets: | 000 | |||
Initial (replacement) value (01,03) | 010 | 1800938.00 | 2043455.00 | |
Depreciation amount (0200) | 011 | 850347.00 | 1028054.00 | |
Residual (book) value (lines 010-011) | 012 | 950591.00 | 1015401.00 | |
Intangible assets: | 000 | |||
Initial value (0400) | 020 | |||
Depreciation amount (0500) | 021 | |||
Residual value (carrying amount) (020-021) | 022 | |||
Long-term investments, total (lines: 040+050+060+070+080), including: | 030 | |||
Securities (0610) | 040 | |||
Investments in subsidiaries (0620) | 050 | |||
Investments in associated companies (0630) | 060 | |||
Investments in enterprises with foreign capital (0640) | 070 | |||
Other long-term investments (0690) | 080 | |||
Equipment for installation (0700) | 090 | |||
Capital investments (0800) | 100 | 162954.00 | 31650.00 | |
Long-term receivables (0910, 0920, 0930, 0940) | 110 | |||
Out of which,over due receivables | 111 | |||
Long-term deferred expenses (0950, 0960, 0990) | 120 | |||
TOTAL ON SECTION I (012+022+030+090+100+110+120) | 130 | 1113545.00 | 1047051.00 | |
Inventories, total (lines 150+160+170+180), including: | 140 | 1902932.00 | 1840180.00 | |
Inventories in stock (1000,1100,1500,1600) | 150 | 1060681.00 | 822759.00 | |
Work in progress (2000, 2100, 2300, 2700) | 160 | 124121.00 | 456372.00 | |
Finished products (2800) | 170 | 718130.00 | 561049.00 | |
Goods (2900 less 2980) | 180 | |||
Future expenses (3100) | 190 | 7115.00 | 8776.00 | |
Deferred expenses (3200) | 200 | |||
Receivables, total (lines 220+240+250+260+270+280+290+300+310) | 210 | 1546375.00 | 1690279.00 | |
out of which: receivables in arrears | 211 | |||
Receivables due from buyers and customers (4000 less 4900) | 220 | 25103.00 | 24299.00 | |
Receivables due from subdivisions (4110) | 230 | |||
Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates (4120) | 240 | 1410290.00 | 1556591.00 | |
Advances to employees (4200) | 250 | 808.00 | 34.00 | |
Advances to suppliers and contractors (4300) | 260 | 46136.00 | 69115.00 | |
Advances for taxes and levies on budget (4400) | 270 | 7239.00 | 607.00 | |
Advances to target funds and on insurance (4500) | 280 | 16475.00 | ||
Receivables due from founders to authorized capital (4600) | 290 | |||
Receivables due from personnel on other operations (4700) | 300 | 48518.00 | 4200.00 | |
Other account receivables (4800) | 310 | 8281.00 | 18958.00 | |
Cash, total (lines 330+340+350+360), including: | 320 | 56763.00 | 34602.00 | |
Cash on hand (5000) | 330 | 1.00 | 4.00 | |
Cash on settlement account (5100) | 340 | 155.00 | 1407.00 | |
Cash in foreign currency (5200) | 350 | 56607.00 | ||
Other cash and cash equivalents (5500, 5800, 5700) | 360 | 33191.00 | ||
Short-term investments (5800) | 370 | 5000.00 | ||
Other current assets (5900) | 380 | |||
TOTAL ON SECTION II (lines 140+190+200+210+320+370+380) | 390 | 3513185.00 | 3578837.00 | |
Total on assets of balance (130+390) | 400 | 4626730.00 | 4625888.00 | |
I. Sources of own funds | ||||
Authorized capital (8300) | 410 | 603175.00 | 603175.00 | |
Additional paid-in capital (8400) | 420 | |||
Reserve capital (8500) | 430 | 513360.00 | 516901.00 | |
Treasury stock (8600) | 440 | |||
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (8700) | 450 | 1743387.00 | 2222206.00 | |
Special-purpose receipts (8800) | 460 | 142342.00 | 156034.00 | |
Reserves for future expenses and payments (8900) | 470 | |||
TOTAL ON SECTION I (lines 410+420+430+440+450+460+470) | 480 | 3002264.00 | 3498316.00 | |
Long-term liabilities, total (lines 500+520+530+540+550+560+570+580+590) | 490 | 165184.00 | 113499.00 | |
including: long-termaccounts payable (lines 500+520+540+580+590) | 491 | 165184.00 | 113499.00 | |
Out of which: Long term accounts payable | 492 | |||
Long-term accounts due to suppliers and contractors (7000) | 500 | |||
Long-term accounts due to subdivisions (7110) | 510 | |||
Long term accounts due to subsidiaries and associates (7120) | 520 | |||
Long-term deferred income (7210, 7220, 7230) | 530 | |||
Long-term deferred tax liabilities and other mandatory payments (7240) | 540 | |||
Other long-term deferred liabilities (7250, 7290) | 550 | |||
Advances from buyers and customers (7300) | 560 | |||
Long-term bank loans (7810) | 570 | |||
Long-term borrowings (7820, 7830, 7840) | 580 | |||
Other long-term accounts payable (7900) | 590 | 165184.00 | 113499.00 | |
Current liabilities, total (lines 610+630+640+650+660+670+680+690+700+710+720+ +730+740+750+760) | 600 | 1459282.00 | 1014073.00 | |
including: current accounts payable (lines 610+630+650+670+6 80+6 90+700+710+720+760) | 601 | 941386.00 | 1014025.00 | |
Out of which: accounts payable – in arrears | 602 | |||
Due from suppliers and contractors (6000) | 610 | 138564.00 | 72912.00 | |
Due to subdivisions (6110) | 620 | |||
Due to subsidiaries and associates (6120) | 630 | 342122.00 | 56982.00 | |
Deferred income (6210, 6220, 6230) | 640 | |||
Deferred liabilities for taxes and mandatory payments (6240) | 650 | |||
Other deferred liabilities (6250, 6290) | 660 | |||
Advances received (6300) | 670 | 2629.00 | 2459.00 | |
Due to budget (6400) | 680 | 50104.00 | 219127.00 | |
Due to insurance (6510) | 690 | |||
Due to state target funds (6520) | 700 | 118978.00 | 70551.00 | |
Due to founders (6600) | 710 | 9164.00 | 72275.00 | |
Salaries payable (6700) | 720 | 258121.00 | 457024.00 | |
Short-term bank loans (6810) | 730 | 499896.00 | 48.00 | |
Short-term borrowings (6820, 6830, 6840) | 740 | 18000.00 | ||
Current portion of long-term liabilities (6950) | 750 | |||
Other accounts payable (6900 except 6950) | 760 | 21704.00 | 62695.00 | |
Total on section II (lines 490+600) | 770 | 1624466.00 | 1127572.00 | |
Total on liabilities of balance sheet (lines 480+770) | 780 | 4626730.00 | 4625888.00 |
12 | Report on financial results | |||||
Наименование показателя | Код стр. | За соответствующий период прошлого года | За отчетный период | |||
доходы (прибыль) | расходы (убытки) | доходы (прибыль) | расходы (убытки) | |||
Net revenue from sales of products (goods, works and services) | 010 | 7401242.00 | 9424256.00 | |||
Cost of goods sold (goods, works and services) | 020 | 4967714.00 | 5807132.00 | |||
Gross profit (loss) from sales of production (goods, works and services) (lines 010-020) | 030 | 2433528.00 | 3617124.00 | |||
Period expenditures, total (lines 050+060+070+080), including: | 040 | 1711668.00 | 2862651.00 | |||
Costs to Sell | 050 | 4385.00 | 3849.00 | |||
Administrative expenses | 060 | 980413.00 | 1528492.00 | |||
Other operating expenses | 070 | 726870.00 | 1330310.00 | |||
Expenses of the reporting period excluded from the tax base in the future | 080 | |||||
Other income from operating activities | 090 | 207667.00 | 316512.00 | |||
Income (loss) from main activity (lines 0З0-040+090) | 100 | 929527.00 | 1070985.00 | |||
Earnings from financial activities, total (lines 120+130+140+150+160), including: | 110 | 467.00 | ||||
Dividend income | 120 | |||||
Interest income | 130 | |||||
Income from long-term lease | 140 | |||||
Income from foreign exchange rate differences | 150 | 467.00 | ||||
Other income from financing activities | 160 | |||||
Expenses from financial operations (lines 180+190+200+210), including: | 170 | 114256.00 | 72390.00 | |||
Expenses in the form of interest | 180 | 93942.00 | 42714.00 | |||
Expenses in the form of interest on long-term lease | 190 | 20314.00 | 29676.00 | |||
Loss from foreign exchange rate differences | 200 | |||||
Other expenses from financial operations | 210 | |||||
Income (loss) from general operations (lines 100+110-170) | 220 | 815271.00 | 999062.00 | |||
Extraordinary profits and losses | 230 | |||||
Profit (loss) before income tax (lines 220+/-230) | 240 | 815271.00 | 999062.00 | |||
Income tax | 250 | 71192.00 | 84711.00 | |||
Other taxes and fees on profits | 260 | 59526.00 | 73148.00 | |||
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period (lines 240-250-260) | 270 | 684553.00 | 841203.00 |
13 | Information on audit report | |||||||
Наименование аудиторской организации | Дата выдачи лицензии | Номер лицензии | Вид заключения | Дата выдачи аудиторского заключения | Номер аудиторского заключения | Ф.И.О. аудитора (аудиторов), проводившего проверку | Копия аудиторского заключения | |
МЧЖ «GLOBAL-AUDIT» | 2008-02-08 | 190 | Положительное | 2016-03-11 | Абдурахмонова Тохира Ганиевна |
16 | Список аффилированных лиц (по состоянию на конец отчетного года) | |||
Ф.И.О. или полное наименование | Местонахождение (местожительство) (государство, область, город, район) | Основание, по которому они признаются аффилированными лицами | Дата (наступления основания (-ий) | |
Садыков Бахтияр Набижанович | Республика Узбекистан, Ташкентская область, г.Чирчик, ул.Менделеева, 8 | Председатель Наблюдательного Совета | 2015-06-19 | |
Кенжаев Азиз Турдываевич | Республика Узбекистан, Ташкентская область, г.Чирчик, ул.Менделеева, 8 | Член Наблюдательного Совета | 2015-06-19 | |
Рузиматов Бахтиёр Саттарович | Республика Узбекистан Андижанская область,г.Андижан | Член Наблюдательного Совета | 2015-06-19 | |
Мейликов Баходир Намазович | Республика Узбекистан, Ташкентская область, г.Чирчик, ул.Менделеева, 8 | Член Наблюдательного Совета | 2015-06-19 | |
Рахимов Нурмухаммад Уткурович | Республика Узбекистан, Ташкентская область, г.Чирчик, ул.Менделеева, 8 | Член Наблюдательного Совета | 2015-06-19 | |
Турабоев Алишер Мамажонович | Республика Узбекистан Андижанская область,г.Андижан ул.пр Навоий 87 | Председатель правления АО «Андижанский ОЭЗ» | 2015-06-19 | |
Хасанов Иброхим Адхамович | Республика Узбекистан Андижанская область,г.Андижан ул.пр Навоий 87 | вр. и.о. заместителя председателя правления,директора по производсту | 2015-06-19 | |
Юсупов Равшан Мусаевич | Республика Узбекистан Андижанская область,г.Андижан ул.пр Навоий 87 | Заместитель председателья правления,и.о. директора по перспективному развитию,маркетингу и финансам | 2015-06-19 |
Issuer is responsibe for the accuracy and completeness of information published on the portal by him
JSC | LLC | |
Total issuers | ||
Total disclosures | ||
Essential facts | ||
Prospectuses | ||
Quarterly reports | ||
Annual reports | ||
Charters |